“Blood on Their Hands”: Uncovering Serbia’s Railway Station Tragedy
The Novi Sad railway station disaster, which claimed 15 lives, exposes a system where political influence and unregulated contractors prioritize profit over safety. As calls for justice intensify, the government’s response remains inadequate.
Democratic Deficit as an Obstacle to EU-Level Parliamentary Legitimacy in External Relations
The EU’s internal democratic deficit’s extent is debatable. Yet, it seems clear that democratic standards are lacking more in the EU’s external action. How so?
Hungary and Euroscepticism: What Do Hungarians Think?
We’ve heard it again and again: Hungary, Orbán, and Euroscepticism. But have we truly asked ourselves what Hungarians believe?
Prospects of an EU Army: Hopes and Challenges
Most of us who believe in European federalism, have argued, even before the Ukraine War, for a European army, independent of national governments and thus petty national politics. The rhetoric of “Strategic Autonomy” in the face of the conflict has brought sharper focus on the defensive capabilities of the EU and the continent as a whole.