Write an Article + Article Guidelines

Would you like to publish an article on Euro Prospects? We encourage all those who are passionate about current (European) affairs or events to write an article on a topic that interests them.

Contact Us

Have an idea for an article? Email us a brief outline of the topic or send us a draft. From there we will work with you so that your article can be eventually published and added to the website.

Email us at: contact@europrospects.eu

Or contact us through other means.

Types of articles

Your article should be one of the following:

  • Opinion: An opinionated article which presents your view on a specific topic.
  • Analysis: An analytical article should be an objective analysis on a topic or policy.
  • News: News articles are short and should be an informative description on a recent event.

What to write about?

The topic you choose should, generally, be a subject related to European politics, European policy, or the future of Europe. However, an article may also be on other policy areas (see categories below). Your topic may also be on an event outside of Europe, but should have a clear connection to Europe (eg, the effect of an international event on European policy). You may also decide to write on internal politics or policy of a specific European country or include history as long as it has an explicit significance to the present or future.

To give you an idea, here are some broad categories to choose from:

  • Elections
  • Foreign policy
  • Legislation
  • Security
  • Migration
  • Economy
  • Environment
  • Geopolitics
  • Health
  • Protests
  • Digital transition
  • Energy
  • Culture
  • Rule of law
  • etc…

Structure and Word Count

Visit some already-published articles to get a feel for what your article would look like. An article should be between 750 to 2000 words (it may be longer upon request, but it would then be presented as ‘Long-Form’ article). That said, the article should be structured as follows:

  • Headline/title: Max 85 characters including spaces (for format reasons)
  • Lead: One to two sentence hook résumé below the headline which hooks the reader.
  • Image: The image of your article which stands below the lead will normally be made by us, but may be discussed and you may suggest what you’d like to include in it.
  • Byline: date and author (you may decide to remain anonymous)
  • Paragraph lead (optional): a paragraph summary similar to the lead but more elaborated.
  • Body: The main content of your article.
  • Conclusion (optional): Summary & concluding statements (only for opinion or analysis articles)

Writing-Style and Citation Rules

We offer creative freedom regarding writing style. We do not impose trivial academic-style rules related to – for example – apostrophes, expressions, active vs passive voice, British vs American English, and writing out numbers below 10. Since everyone has their own style, possibly due to cultural/educational/personality differences – we want you to focus on content, not hindered by a focus on negligible writing rules. Attention should also be placed on presenting your content in a way which hooks the reader, differentiating it from a purely academic-style text.

That said, basic requirements such as correct punctuation, full sentences, and proper English grammar do applyIf your English is not the best, there will nonetheless be a revision phase where our editors can fix grammar issues – ie., focus on the content.

Citations are necessary in appropriate places (such as where controversial/significant facts or statistics are mentioned). Citations are embedded into phrases with a hyperlink, so all that is needed is a link.
