Serbia’s Lucrative Global Arms Trade: A Glimpse Into its Secrecy, Scheme, and Double-Edged Sword

By leveraging its relatively robust military industry, Serbia has managed to covertly capitalise on its arms exports for lucrative and geopolitical motives. With international pressure growing against Serbia, partly as a consequence of its own gaffes, the question arises as to whether such lucrative endeavors will persist to be politically worthwhile.

Derussification in Ukraine: Communist Holidays and the International Women’s Day Controversy

Ukraine has been actively pursuing a process of derussification for several years, which involves promoting the Ukrainian language and culture and distancing itself from its Soviet legacy. A crucial aspect of this process has been the elimination of communist symbols, including holidays observed during the Soviet era. Consequently, International Women’s Day, which is celebrated on March 8, has become a topic of significant debate.

Belgrade’s Graffiti War: The Artistic Parallel of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

As the war rages across Ukraine with its consequences felt throughout Europe, a different kind of war has taken to the streets and alleys of Serbia’s capital. Namely, a ‘graffiti war’ between pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian groups. Indeed, through the defacement and ‘conversion’ of ‘enemy’ graffiti, messages and victories taint the roads of Belgrade.
