German Zeitenwende Proves That Not Everything Looks Better in Slow-Motion
Almost two years after “Zeitenwende”, Germany’s leading role within the European Union is being challenged by internal instability and promises it cannot keep.
Hungary and Euroscepticism: What Do Hungarians Think?
We’ve heard it again and again: Hungary, Orbán, and Euroscepticism. But have we truly asked ourselves what Hungarians believe?
Neutralism Through Indifference: A Blade Lodged in Europe’s Soft Belly
As tensions around the world grow high, war fatigue looms over a Europe still at peace. An Italian case-study.
The European Public Prosecutor’s Office: Democratic Legitimacy and Judicial Oversight
Though the agency represents a historic step in EU criminal justice integration, EPPO’s legal framework has incited concern over its democratic legitimacy and respect for the EU’s own fundamental rights. How legitimate are these criticisms?
After Russia’s War: Applying Systems Theory To Understand Europe’s Geopolitical Future
Europe is passing through a kind of deep winter as the Postwar Order crumbles; the question now is whether the EU can achieve strategic autonomy in the spring to come.
EU Legitimacy: The EU at a Crossroads (Part 5: Conclusion)
Amidst numerous crossroads the EU faces, one theme remains the same: EU legitimacy is at the heart of the problem. (Part 5 of the series)
The EU’s Post-Brexit Institutional Framework: The EU at a Crossroads (Part 4)
The consequences of Brexit and a post Covid-19 realities will begin to play out. Though, how did this happen and where will it lead?. (Part 4 of the series)
The EU’s Core-Periphery Debate: The EU at a Crossroads (Part 3)
The core-periphery debate is one that exists in different forms around the world. Within the EU, however, this manifests as a core talking-point to the ongoing discussion about the role of the Union in comparison to regional debates within organisations such as the Visegrad Group (V4). (Part 2 of the series)
Deepening vs Widening: The EU at a Crossroads (Part 2)
The EU, through trial and error, has worked to unify the continent for the continuation of peace and prosperity. Unification, though, while broad a term, is procured in different ways. This article will explore the on-going deepening and widening debate within the Union (Part 2 of the series)
The EU at a Crossroads: Facing Strategic Dilemmas (Part 1: Introduction)
With different ideologies of European integration at play, the Union is now in a game of tug-of-war between liberal and conservative paradigms. What crossroads face the EU? (Part 1 of the series)
Derussification in Ukraine: Communist Holidays and the International Women’s Day Controversy
Ukraine has been actively pursuing a process of derussification for several years, which involves promoting the Ukrainian language and culture and distancing itself from its Soviet legacy. A crucial aspect of this process has been the elimination of communist symbols, including holidays observed during the Soviet era. Consequently, International Women’s Day, which is celebrated on March 8, has become a topic of significant debate.
The EU’s Democratic Deficit: Extent, Perception, and (Possible) Solutions
Often criticised as democratically deficient, to what extent does the EU truly suffer from such a democratic deficit, and how can it be overcome?