Serbia’s Lucrative Global Arms Trade: A Glimpse Into its Secrecy, Scheme, and Double-Edged Sword

By leveraging its relatively robust military industry, Serbia has managed to covertly capitalise on its arms exports for lucrative and geopolitical motives. With international pressure growing against Serbia, partly as a consequence of its own gaffes, the question arises as to whether such lucrative endeavors will persist to be politically worthwhile.

A Walk On Thin Ice: Serbia’s Balancing Act Between Russia and the EU

As the war in Ukraine enters its second year with most European countries having taken sides in the conflict, Serbia has been ever so reluctant to align itself to either camp. Torn between both its desire for prosperity with the EU along with all its benefits and a more traditional friendship with Russia, the country is struggling to pass unscathed in the current climate since not taking sides is perceived as undesirable by either bloc.
