The Beginning of the End? Hungary’s Reshaped Political Landscape and Economic Crisis
The unfolding crises in Orbán’s Hungary: a crumbling economy, political scandals and the swift rise of the opposition.
“Blood on Their Hands”: Uncovering Serbia’s Railway Station Tragedy
The Novi Sad railway station disaster, which claimed 15 lives, exposes a system where political influence and unregulated contractors prioritize profit over safety. As calls for justice intensify, the government’s response remains inadequate.
Invisible Filters: Shadow Banning at the Crossroads of Free Speech and Competition Law in the EU
Shadow banning epitomises the complex challenges at the intersection of transparency, competition law, and fundamental rights in the digital era.
Ukraine’s Shadow: Unpacking the War’s Role in Germany’s Political Breakdown
Germany’s government coalition has fallen apart over the leveraging of disagreements on spending and support for Ukraine, leading to a political crisis and a high likelihood of early elections.
Singapore’s Deepfake Legislation: Can It Motivate Stronger EU Election Policies?
With deepfakes increasingly threatening election integrity, Singapore’s recent deepfakes’ ban sets a bold precedent that could inspire the EU. But can Europe find a balance between tackling manipulated content and preserving fundamental freedoms?
Patriots for Europe: A Radical-Right Shift in the EU’s Political Landscape
As a new dominant force in the EU, can this new coalition redefine immigration policy and national identity?
Georgia’s 2024 Elections: A Defining Moment for the Nation, Caucasus, and EU
The 26th October Georgia will go to the polls. These elections, besides marking the conclusion of a tumultuous legislation, will determine the future of the country, divided between Europe and Russia.
Georgia’s Foreign Agent Law: How Russia Threatens EU-Georgia Relations
During the spring of 2024, the world witnessed Georgia engulfed in massive protests against a government-backed ‘foreign agent’ bill. The now-passed law which targets civil society organizations has left Georgia’s road to EU accession in tatters. As the country’s parliamentary elections are coming closer, Georgia is at a critical crossroads.
Echoes of extremism? MAGA and AFD’s Dangerous Dance in U.S. and Germany
As the world grapples with rising tensions and shifting alliances, two movements—Trump’s MAGA and Germany’s AfD—are strikingly in sync, echoing each other’s sentiments against established global frameworks.
Prinsjesdag: A Summary of the 2025 Dutch Budget
With the end of more than a decade of centrist conservative-liberal governance, the Netherlands has moved further right, and so has its budget.
Venezuela Crisis: The Struggle for Democracy and Economic Survival
Amidst claims of electoral fraud and widespread protests, Venezuela’s political and economic crises continue to deepen, challenging the nation’s future and the stability of the region and drawing international disapproval.
Achieving Effective Policy Advising in the EU: Its Challenges and the European Green Deal
Policy advising plays an exceptionally crucial role in the EU’s legislative process and represents a pivotal instrument in the production of quality policy. Yet, because of the EU’s specific features and the alternative interests within politics, achieving effective policy advising is no easy task, particularly for the European Green Deal.