The EU’s Post-Brexit Institutional Framework: The EU at a Crossroads (Part 4)
The consequences of Brexit and a post Covid-19 realities will begin to play out. Though, how did this happen and where will it lead?. (Part 4 of the series)
The EU’s Core-Periphery Debate: The EU at a Crossroads (Part 3)
The core-periphery debate is one that exists in different forms around the world. Within the EU, however, this manifests as a core talking-point to the ongoing discussion about the role of the Union in comparison to regional debates within organisations such as the Visegrad Group (V4). (Part 2 of the series)
Deepening vs Widening: The EU at a Crossroads (Part 2)
The EU, through trial and error, has worked to unify the continent for the continuation of peace and prosperity. Unification, though, while broad a term, is procured in different ways. This article will explore the on-going deepening and widening debate within the Union (Part 2 of the series)
The EU at a Crossroads: Facing Strategic Dilemmas (Part 1: Introduction)
With different ideologies of European integration at play, the Union is now in a game of tug-of-war between liberal and conservative paradigms. What crossroads face the EU? (Part 1 of the series)
The EU’s Democratic Deficit: Extent, Perception, and (Possible) Solutions
Often criticised as democratically deficient, to what extent does the EU truly suffer from such a democratic deficit, and how can it be overcome?
Prospects of an EU Army: Hopes and Challenges
Most of us who believe in European federalism, have argued, even before the Ukraine War, for a European army, independent of national governments and thus petty national politics. The rhetoric of “Strategic Autonomy” in the face of the conflict has brought sharper focus on the defensive capabilities of the EU and the continent as a whole.
The Regulatory Effects of the Ongoing Struggle to Curtail Tax Evasion in the EU
Over the past decade, tax evasion and tax avoidance have taken the public eye by storm as attention has been shed on repeated tax leaks such as the Panama Papers. Politicians and entrepreneurs are placed under ever-increasing scrutiny, providing ammunition to an often divisive us-versus-them dialectic in political debate. Yet, as financial regulations attempt to address these issues, tens of billions have passed through tax havens in the past decades and continue to do so.
Belgrade’s Graffiti War: The Artistic Parallel of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
As the war rages across Ukraine with its consequences felt throughout Europe, a different kind of war has taken to the streets and alleys of Serbia’s capital. Namely, a ‘graffiti war’ between pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian groups. Indeed, through the defacement and ‘conversion’ of ‘enemy’ graffiti, messages and victories taint the roads of Belgrade.
A Walk On Thin Ice: Serbia’s Balancing Act Between Russia and the EU
As the war in Ukraine enters its second year with most European countries having taken sides in the conflict, Serbia has been ever so reluctant to align itself to either camp. Torn between both its desire for prosperity with the EU along with all its benefits and a more traditional friendship with Russia, the country is struggling to pass unscathed in the current climate since not taking sides is perceived as undesirable by either bloc.
Croatia Joins Eurozone and Schengen: The Culmination of a Decade of European Integration
European integration has once again payed Croatia a visit as it enters its first month of Eurozone and Schengen membership. What has Croatia accomplished to achieve this milestone, and what effect will this have on the former-Yugoslav Republic and on the EU as a whole?
Culture, Identity, and EU Accession: North Macedonia’s EU Journey
Having undergone a European integration journey rife with cultural disputes with neighbouring EU members, the Republic of North Macedonia has finally begun EU Accession Negotiations on July 2022 and may soon become the EU’s newest member.
Effects of Swedish and Finnish Entry to NATO: Reshaping Europe’s Security Framework
Exacerbated by the accession of the two nordic countries to NATO, the already-changing European security climate is entering a new phase in its history; one which is expected to be more antagonistic and uncertain.