The Influential Role of the Judiciary in the Democratic Process: A Delicate Balance
Do judges and courts of Western democracies represent an obstacle to popular will?
From Empire to Eclipse: How World War 2 Shifted Global Power from Britain to America
ce hailed as the empire up upon which the sun never set, the British Empire’s grip on global dominance began to slip as World War 2 dawned. With its economic and military might wavering, Britain found itself relying on an emerging superpower, the U.S. But as the tide of war shifted, so did the balance of power, setting the stage for a new world order where American influence would eclipse the British legacy. How did the world’s greatest empire fall from grace, and what role did the U.S. play in its unraveling?
The EU’s Post-Brexit Institutional Framework: The EU at a Crossroads (Part 4)
The consequences of Brexit and a post Covid-19 realities will begin to play out. Though, how did this happen and where will it lead?. (Part 4 of the series)